About Us
Sir Meccanica India Pvt Ltd has been in the India market for last 15 years and our Principles for last 30 year around the world. The company is among the brand leaders in the sector for the production of portable multifunction machine tools. Sir Meccanica machine introduce new and revolutionary techniques in order to perform grinding work in the production and maintenance of internal and external cylindrical surfaces, in heavy and light metallic carpentry in the sector of earthmoving, building, agriculture, road constructions, industrial field, machines and plants linked to transport and energy, railway equipment, nuclear plants, mercantile and passenger ships, gas and petroleum extracting towers, military transport vehicles and mining equipment. Our primary objective is to always be closer to the customer’s needs. Today the customer needs, not only a machine tool, but especially a solution to produce. As experts in manufacturing, the mission is to pass on our own know-how by offering solutions that customers can integrate into their production, to improve it and make it more efficient. Our own productive needs, have given birth to innovative and revolutionary solutions.
Our Principles Vision
Our Principles History



The product lines, are entirely created and produced inside the company’s plant. They comply with the most advanced technological standards. The measurements and tests performed during the production phases ensure a constant and authentic Quality Control. The result is a wide range of products characterized by a long lifespan, reliability and high performance, even under the ergonomic profile, capable of satisfying any applicative situation. Characterized by extreme versatility and high reliability thanks to the numerical control, Sir Meccanica’s machine tools have always been ahead in the world market as an excellence of the Made in Italy.

The constant company attention towards the quality standards is demonstrated by a wide range of certifications. Among these, the most important ones are the UNI-EN-ISO 9001:2015; EC (N ° IMQ 192) for the WS Series; CE certification; GOST; The NATO Code (NCAGE AFA 74) attesting recognition of the company as an official supplier of materials and services to the United States Government and the American bases in Europe.